

Users should be able to search for “Sobekick” from the app store and download on their device. If they follow the link above, they’ll need to go through a few additional steps in order for the app to appear on their device and will vary depending on the device setting of the individual user. 
After selecting which device they want the app to be delivered to on the far right-hand side of the screen, they’ll either need to manually install or the app will automatically be delivered. 
Automatic Delivery: The app should appear on the device(s) below within a few moments:
How to Install Manually: To get the purchased app on your compatible device(s), follow the directions below.
  • Fire TV: Go to Settings → My account and select “Sync Amazon Content.” → Go to Apps library to download and install the app from the cloud. Launch the app once the download completes.
Lastly, here is a list of supported devices. It could be that the users contacting you are trying to download the app on an unsupported Amazon device. 
  • Fire TV (2014)
  • Fire TV Stick
  • Fire TV (2015)
  • Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote
  • Amazon Fire TV Edition
  • Fire TV (Gen 3)